To serve as a guide on how to change how many prefixes can be received from a neighbor peer. This is usually required when the error PfxCt is shown.
Step 1: Show Neighbors with PfxCt Error
Access the respective router via SSH.
To list down all neighbors with the same PfxCT error, simply use the following command: –
show ip bgp summary | i PfxCt
Save the entries into a notepad which will be used later.
Step 2: Show Maximum Prefixes Configured
Show the maximum prefixes configured for a specific neighbor with the following command: –
show ip bgp neighbors *neighbor IP* | i Maximum prefixes allowed
Note down the current prefix value into a notepad.
Step 3: Set New Maximum Prefixes
On the console, switch to configuration mode via: –
configure terminal
Access the BGP configuration
router bgp 45144
Access the neighbor configuration interface via: –
neighbor *neighbor IP* remote-as *neighbor AS number*
Set a new maximum prefixes with the following command, ensure the new prefixes is higher than the current prefixes configured.
neighbor *neighbor IP* maximum-prefix 1000
Exit configuration mode by using end.
Reinitialize the neighbor configuration via: –
clear ip bgp *neighbor IP*
Confirm that the PfxCt is cleared with the show ip bgp summary command.
show ip bgp summary | i *neighbor IP*
Step 4: Save The Configuration
Finally, save the changes you have made in the router with: –
write memory