VPN Setup


To establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) between a local PFSense firewall (company-A) and a remote PFSense firewall (company B) with a built-in feature called OpenVPN.


  1. companyA.localdomain (Local/Client) – (WAN Interface)
  2. companyB.localdomain (Remote/Server) – (WAN interface)
  3. Hypervisor of choice (Promox VE/VirtualBox)
  4. PFSense V2.4.3 – https://www.pfsense.org/download/

NOTE: If you have IPSec configured before proceeding to OpenVPN, please ensure the IPSec connection is disabled.


Task 1: Remote/Server side configurations

Step 1: Access your PfSense firewall (Company B) via the IP address stated above, go to VPN > OpenVPN > Servers.

Step 2: Click ‘+ Add’ button.

Step 3: Under General Settings: –

Server Mode > Peer-to-peer (Shared Key)

Protocol > UDP on IPv4 only

Device mode > Layer 3 Tunnel Mode

Interface > any

Local Port > 1194 (auto-assigned)

Description > Company B VPN Server

Step 4: Under Cryptographic Settings:-

Shared Key > Checked

Encryption Algo > AES-128-CBC

Enable NCP > Checked

NCP Algorithms > Default list

Auth digest algo > SHA1 (160-bit)

Step 5: Under Tunnel Settings:-

IPv4 Tunnel Network >

IPv4 Remote Network >

Compression > Omit Preference (Use OpenVPN Default)

Step 6: Ignore the settings under Advanced Configurations

Step 7: Save your settings (Bottom of the page). An entry of the created OpenVPN server will be added.

Step 8: Return to your settings by clicking on the pencil icon and copy the generated shared key.

Task 2: Local/Client side configurations

Step 1: On your PFSense firewall (Company A), go to VPN > OpenVPN > Clients.

Step 2: Click ‘+ Add’ button.

Step 3: Under General Settings: –

Server mode > Peer-to-peer (Shared Key)

Protocol > UDP on IPv4 only

Device mode > Layer 3 Tunnel Mode

Interface > any

Local Port > leave empty

Server host or address >

Server port > 1194

Description > Company A VPN Client

Step 4: Under Cryptographic Settings:-

Auto generate > Unchecked

Shared Key > Paste the key (Obtained from server side)

Encryption Algorithm > AES-128-CBC

Enable NCP > Checked

NCP Algo > Default List

Auth digest algorithm > SHA1 (160-bit)

Step 5: Under Tunnel Network:-

IPv4 Tunnel Network >

IPv4 Remote Network >

Compression > Omit Preference (use OpenVPN Default)

Step 6: Ignore the settings under Advanced Configurations and save. An entry of the created VPN Client will be added.

Task 3: Adding Firewall Rules

Step 1: On the PfSense firewall (Company B), go to Firewall > Rules > WAN

Step 2: Add the following rule:-

1st Rule

Action > Pass

Protocol > UDP

Source > any

Destination > WAN Address

Destination Port Range > OpenVPN (11XX)

Description > Allow client to connect to local host

2nd Rule

Action > Pass

Protocol > ICMP

Subtypes > Echo request

Source > any

Destination > any

Description > Allow pinging to local host

Step 3: Next, on your OpenVPN interface, add the following rule:-

Action > Pass

Protocol > any

Source > any

Destination > any

Description > OpenVPN Allow All

Step 4: On the PFSense firewall (Company A), go to Firewall > Rules > OpenVPN

Step 5: Add the following rule:-

Action > Pass

Protocol > any

Source > any

Destination > any

Description > OpenVPN Allow All

Task 4: Verification Tests

Step 1: Perform a ping test from local firewall (Company A) to the remote firewall (Company B) to ensure the connection has been established. This can be done either through console or the firewall itself (Diagnostics > Ping).

Step 2: Perform a traceroute from remote firewall (Company B) to local firewall (Company A), the result should show only one hop to the destination (Diagnostics > Traceroute).

Step 3: Ensure the OpenVPN connection currently running by navigating to Status > OpenVPN.

Company A (Client):

Company B (Server):

Updated on June 5, 2020

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