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How To Modify WordPress PHP Memory Limit


Increase the WordPress PHP memory limit to handle larger workloads




Step 1: Modify default-constants.php

You would need to access the console of your web server. Then, edit the file called default-constants.php

nano /home/beautifulnara/public_html/wp-includes/default-constants.php

Go to the line the writes WP_MAX_MEMORY LIMIT

Then, under the else condition, change the value from 256M (default) to 1024M.
For example,

define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’ );

To verify, there will be a noticeable change upon navigating from an option to another within the WordPress backend.

Step 2: Configure PHP-FPM

Next, some modification are to be done on your WHM (Web Host Manager). Once you have logged in, navigate to Home > Software > MultiPHP Manager.

Before adding the values in, ensure you have calculated the remaining free memory in your server which can be allocated for PHP-FPM.

In our case, the new values for the PHP-FPM Pool Option will be: –

Max Requests: 300
Process Idle Timeout: 10
Max Children: 100

At the searchbar on left pane, type php.

Select PHP-FPM service for Apache, and then hit Yes.

Updated on July 6, 2020

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