Import SSL Certificate to WampServer


To provide a step-by-step guide to import SSL certificate into a WampServer environment.


  1. OpenSSL installed on local machine.
  2. WampServer installed on local machine.
  3. Access to the origin IIS server where the CSR was generated.


Step 1: Export the Certificate with Private Key from IIS

On your origin Windows server, navigate to the IIS Manager.

Select the server name in the Connections pane on the left.

Double-click on Server Certificates in the middle pane.

Locate your certificate, right-click, and select Export.

Specify the file path and filename (e.g.: your_certificate.pfx), and set a password.

Step 2: Transfer the .pfx File to the WampServer host.

Transfer the newly-exported .pfx file to the WampServer host.

Step 3: Extract the Certificate and Private Key

Open up the Command Prompt and navigate to the directory containing your_certificate.pfx.

Run the following command to extract the private key: –

 openssl pkcs12 -in your_certificate.pfx -nocerts -out private.key 

Then, enter the password you have defined during Step 1 and set a new password for the private.key file when prompted.

To remove the passphrase from the private key (Optional but recommended for server run), run the following command: –

 openssl rsa -in private.key -out server.key 

Extract the certificate by running: –

 openssl pkcs12 -in your_certificate.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out server.crt 

Step 4: Configure Apache in WampServer to Utilize the SSL Certificate

Within the WampServer installation, navigate to C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\conf\ and create a new directory / folder named ssl

Move the server.key and server.crt into the ssl folder.

Open httpd.conf located at C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\conf\httpd.conf and uncomment the following lines by removing the # at the beginning.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/

Save and close httpd.conf

Open httpd-ssl.conf located at C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf and update the following directives: –

DocumentRoot "C:/wamp64/www"
ServerName localhost:443
SSLCertificateFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/ssl/server.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/ssl/server.key"

Save and close httpd-ssl.conf

Step 5: Restart WampServer

Restart all WampServer services to apply the changes. The WampServer icon should turn green, indicating all services are running accordingly.

Step 6: Test SSL Configuration

Open up a browser and navigate to your site https://your_domain_name/. You should see your site loading over HTTPS.

Updated on February 19, 2025

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